Taxi rates in Valencia (Spain)
Below are our standard rates on our city taxi services, according to the time and day on which they are made.
There are two fundamental modes: The first one (Rate 1) is the usual Monday to Friday rate, from 7am to 9pm. The second one (Rate 2) is for night journeys, from 9pm to 7am on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Attached are both the urban as well as interurban rates. For special corporate services, contact us and we will inform you about what we can offer.
We offer special flat rate taxi services if you travel longer distances. Please have a look at our Flat Rate page with the prices to common destination from Valencia.
Urban taxi rates in Valencia city (Rate 1)
- From 7:00 to 21:00 – mondays to fridays (weekdays)
- Flagfall: 1,45 euros
- Minimum fare4,00 euros
- Waiting rate per hour: 19,15 euros
- Price per kilometre travelled: 1,08 euros
- Port plus: 2,95
Urban taxi rates in Valencia city (Rate 2)
- Labour days from 21 to 7 hours, saturdays and sundays all day
- Flagfall: 2 euros
- Minimum fare: 6 euros
- Waiting rate per hour: 22, 45
- Price per kilometre travelled: 1,18
- Port plus: 2,95
- Minimum fare: 12 euros
- Flat-rate from the Airport to Valencia City Centre: 20 euros
- Flat-rate from the Airport to Valencia surrounding areas: 23 euros
- Airport Plus: 5,40 euros
Interurban rates in Valencia (normal)
- From 7:00 to 21:00 – mondays to saturdays (weekdays)
- Minimum fare: 3,12 euros
- Price per kilometre travelled or fraction thereof: 0,58
- Waiting rate per hour: 14,20 euros
- Waiting time calculated by periods of 15 minutes, at a rate of 3,55 euros each 15-minute period.
Interurban rates in Valencia (special)
- Labour days from 21 to 7 hours, sundays and bank holidays all day.
- Minimum fare: 3,68 euros
- Price per kilometre travelled or fraction thereof: 0,68
- Waiting rate per hour: 17 euros
- Waiting time calculated by periods of 15 minutes, at a rate of 4,25 euros each 15-minute period.